The Annual Wooden Nickel 4 Person Golf Tournament held July 14th raised $16,730 for the United Way of Northeast Missouri.
Winners of the Champ Flight included Lefty’s Barbershop 1st Place, Lovegreen Ford 2nd, and Team Williams got 3rd. A Flight winners were Team Snyder 1st. Place, Team Mills 2nd Place, and Kirksville Motors placed 3rd. B Flight winners were Team Mallett 1st Place, Coy’s Boatworks 2nd, and Edward Jones came in third.
“We want to thank Jen, Dan and Judy Vogt for supporting this tournament by helping in organizing and recruiting golfers and also providing prize monies for the event, “ said Chade Shorten, UW Board President. “ Each year the event grows, and we look forward to next year’s tournament,” she added.
The United Way of Northeast Missouri provides funding for 11 not for profit agencies. Agencies funded include Adair County 4-H, Adair County YMCA, Boy Scouts of America/Great River Council, Community Opportunities Workshop, Girl Scouts of Eastern Missouri, Hospice of Northeast Missouri, Macon Diversified Industries, NEMO Senior Citizens Services, RSVP/Senior Adult Services, Salvation Army and the Community Child Development Center.